Leadership Development

PPI Framework for Leadership Development revolves around the strategy to invest in existing and second line leadership through capacity building initiatives, encourage mentoring and develop an approach of walking alongside. Strengthen existing local organizations that are providing leadership trainings, so that they provide purposeful quality aid and develop good models. Our own Leadership Development Model rests on four key pillars to ensure a holistic coverage of the area. These Include:

Investing In Existing Leadership – Both men and women to have greater integrity, confidence and a shared vision to lead in their respective leadership roles within their scope of responsibility. More importantly combine the existing experience, knowledge and learnings on one platform to strive together and rectify the error that are holding our collective growth as a nation.

Developing Emerging Leaders  The pillar counts on equipping and preparing the second- line with better resource of knowledge, experience and networking. To engage in right attitude and character, think and act with integrity and responsibility towards the purpose of their lives. Training, mentoring, webinars, conferences, networking events, providing platform to be an initiative maker, are among those efforts that PPI and its stakeholders are making on their way to develop effective, committed and well informed emerging leadership.

Enabling Environment – With a purpose to foster the agenda of developing and raising effective leadership in Pakistan; to provide adequate room for dialogue, collaboration, education, training, and growth of Christian leaders in the country to help them better serve their nation.
